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NWC Submission on the Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender- Based Violence

Published: Monday, July 05, 2021

NWC welcome the opportunity to make a submission on the Third National Strategy (TNS) on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (DSGBV). We also welcome the alignment of the TNS with the obligations set forth in the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.1 We recommend that the TNS ensure alignment with other relevant obligations of the state, UN treaties and EU Directives and European Parliament Resolutions in particular the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, UN Palermo Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children and the 2014 European parliament resolution on sexual exploitation and prostitution and its impact on gender equality (2013/2103(INI)) (the Honeyball resolution). As per the Istanbul Convention, it is the State’s responsibility to take specific measures to reduce barriers to ensure women can fully realise their social, cultural, political and economic rights to live a life free from violence.

Download file: NWC Submission on the Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender- Based Violence