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A Review of Data on Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education in the European Union - Full Report

Published: Thursday, October 05, 2017

NWCI is very pleased to publish the first ESHTE project report, A Review of Data on the Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education in the European Union. The report provides an overview of EU level data and research and highlights the significant gaps in our knowledge and understanding, including the experiences of women with a disability and ethnic minority women. The review also comprises country reports from the NWCI and our three partners, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies Cyprus, The Women’s Issues Information Centre Lithuania, and Rape Crisis Scotland. Data from Germany and Italy has also been included. The report also highlights innovative projects and programmes that are being developed to challenge sexual violence on campus and that will provide the ESHTE project with examples of transformative action.

Download file: A Review of Data on Prevalence of Sexual Violence and Harassment of Women Students in Higher Education in the European Union - Full Report