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Submission to the Department of Justice and Equality on the National Women’s Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2020

Published: Wednesday, February 01, 2017

NWCI believes that the New National Women's Strategy and Action Plan 2017 - 2020 offers a critical opportunity to effectively leverage current and future policies and programmes to achieve the transformative change needed to ensure that Ireland becomes a more equal country. Renewed focus and innovation must be applied to policy formulation to continue the progress achieved to date. The New National Women’s Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2020 must achieve deliberate and explicit reconfiguring of current and future Government policies to achieve what is not yet a reality for women in Ireland - true equality. The formulation of this critical strategy offers Ireland an opportunity to mitigate against its continuing low position in equality rankings, in both the EU and internationally.

Download file: Submission to the Department of Justice and Equality on the National Women’s Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2020