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Bray Women’s Refuge

Bray Women’s Refuge Bray Women’s Refuge

The Bray Womens Refuge is a voluntary organisation since 1978 working to combat the social effects of domestic violence by:

  • Providing support and relevant information for women regardless of whether they are resident in the refuge or not.
  • Assisting women to understand their legal rights and entitlements.
  • Increasing general public awareness on the issues relating to domestic violence.
  • Lobbying the state regarding relevant legislation to make Ireland a safer place for all who experience violence and abuse.

Our Philosophy of Care


The Bray Women's Refuge upholds a philosophy of mutual self help and empowerment. Our philosophy of care underpins the way we work with clients which is

  • Non judgemental
  • Unconditional
  • And always with positive regard no matter what the client's story is.

The ethos of the women's refuge is a developmental one:

  • We aim to support and assist women and children to recover from the trauma of violence and abuse.
  • We assist women to regain their strength in order to be able to make their own decisions about what is right for them, in their lives.

Our staff are trained to uphold the highest level of confidentiality and to provide a professional service to clients seeking our support.

To be effective Domestic Violence support organisations must model relationships of equality and fairness and re-conceptualise power in a way that distinguishes between creative power and violating power. Women who have experienced Domestic Violence have experienced an abuse of power so services cannot replicate this!

Bray Women's Refuge is committed to upholding this philosophy in its service provision.