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Creating a Safer Ireland for Women: Ratifying the Istanbul Convention

Friday, December 07, 2018

Creating a Safer Ireland for Women: Ratifying the Istanbul Convention

The Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women, chaired by NWCI, invites you to our seminar as part of the 16 days of action opposing violence against women. The event will focus on how we can develop a strong community response to monitor Ireland’s compliance with the Istanbul Convention and ensure it works for women. 

Register to attend.

Speakers include: International Expert Rosa Logar, Director Domestic Violence Intervention Center Vienna and GREVIO Member; Noeline Blackwell, Human Rights Lawyer and CEO Dublin Rape Crisis Centre; Tessa Collins, Pavee Point Violence Against Women Programme; Salome Mbugua, AkiDwA-The Migrant Women’s Network; Moe Reynolds, Domestic Violence Specialist Longford Women’s Link; Mary-Louise Lynch Intimate Abuse Intervention

Chair: Sinead O'Carroll, News Editor TheJournal.ie 

This event is organised in cooperation with the European Parliament Office in Dublin.


Starts: 7 December 2018 10:00
Ends: 7 December 2018 13:00
Location: Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, 16-22 Green St, Dublin 7