Date for your Diary for the next NWCI Members and Friends Meeting - Women’s Rights and UN CEDAW
Published: Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Please take note of the date for the next NWCI Members and Friends Meeting - Women’s Rights and CEDAW
Speakers will Include:-
Ms Violeta Neubauer, independent women’s human rights and gender equality expert from Slovenia who was a member of CEDAW Committee from 2007 to 2014. Her CEDAW related activities include provision of consultancy services to UN WOMEN, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP and other UN specialised bodies and agencies and to the national and international NGOs.
Dr. Patricia Conlan, chair of the Feminism and International Law Committee of the International Law Association,
Ireland and CEDAW – some contemporary developments
When: Thursday 6th October
Where: Dublin
Further details will follow shortly.