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Towards a National Action Plan Against Racism in Ireland

Published: Tuesday, August 03, 2021

NWC and women’s organisations across Ireland must speak out against racism and emerging far right groups/movements in Ireland and globally. The voices of women and people directly affected by racism must be central to our discussions. Racism and discrimination have a major impact on the lives of women and their families. This impact must be acknowledged and we must take clear and concrete steps to address it. The growing far right movement also threatens our democracy. We must take racism and discrimination very seriously and expose and challenge far right ideology where it is disguised as ‘free speech’ and the voice of a ‘silenced majority’. We must all be willing to continuously reflect on our own actions and challenge our own prejudice and unconscious bias and to better understand/acknowledge the connection between sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination. The NWC welcomes the opportunity to make this submission and to have engaged in the ARC consultation process. It is critical that women’s voices are heard and that their perspectives are considered on all areas of public policy as well as their specific experiences – from consultation to implementation and evaluation.

Download file: Towards a National Action Plan Against Racism in Ireland