- Feminist Communities for Climate Justice National Network

The Feminist Communities for Climate Justice National Network (FCCJNN) is part of the Feminist Communities for Climate Justice project between Community Work Ireland and National Women’s Council which highlights and responds to the disproportionate impact of the climate crisis in Ireland on marginalised communities and women including Traveller and Roma, disabled people, older people, people seeking international protection, and more. The Network is made up of community groups, women’s organisations, climate justice and environmental groups, academics, activists/campaign groups, individuals and more. The Network is focused on climate justice informed by feminist and community development principles.

  • Join!

Please fill out this form to register your organisation or group's or personal interest in becoming a member of the network

Network members are expected to sign up to the Network's Terms of Reference, Values and Communication guidelines at registration stage.

The Network is run via Google Groups - by joining the Network, you consent to being added to this googlr group using the email in your application.


  • Working groups:

As a Network member, you can join and or suggest the creation of a working group. We currently have working groups:

  1. Feminist Communities for Local Food
  2. Events and Outreach
  3. Policy and Advocacy
  4. Arts and Creative Approaches
  5. Women in Nature Restoration. See more information about the Women in Nature Restoration working group here which is led by Network member Tóchar and if you wish to join, please join the Network first and let us know!


  • Members:

Of the 100+ members, see some of the name and or logos of Network members below:

  1. Aisling Snow
  2. Breanne Connolly
  3. Catherine Lane
  4. Ceara Carney
  5. Changemakers Donegal
  6. Chelsea Beardsley
  7. Collette McEntee
  8. Laurie Reilly
  9. Martina Hynan
  10. Patricia Astorgano
  11. Sian Ogle
  12. The Green Roots Project
  13. The Irish Uyghur Cultural Association
  14. Talamh Beo

If you have any questions or queries, please contact Collette (collettemce@nwci.ie) or Vanessa (vanessac@nwci.ie).