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Women in Northern Ireland ‘back to 1950s’ in recession: ‘rebalance’ needed

Published: Monday, July 04, 2011

Women in Northern Ireland ‘back to 1950s’ in recession: ‘rebalance’ needed

Women in Northern Ireland are being driven back into the household by the global recession, according to a new report which likens the current situation to that of the 1950s.

The report, 'Women on the Edge of the NI Economy', was commissioned by the Women's Resource and Development Agency.

It examined in detail the position of women in the labour market and found they are worse positioned to deal with the financial crisis.

The research found the hardest hit were young women with no educational qualifications.

It is likely that the government's introduction of 'universal credit' will only reinforce this, as the credits will prioritise the primary earner in the family - which is usually a man.

This overhaul, which will come to effect in 2013, could lead to less incentive for women to work, thus making them more dependent on men.

Lynn Carvill, of the Women's Resource and Development Agency, which commissioned the research, said there is a risk that years of struggle for equality in the workplace will be reversed.

"In effect we are going back to the 1950s when the Welfare State was set up, when women were housewives and men were the main breadwinners," she said.

The report claims to have studied in greater detail than ever before wages, pensions and benefits received by women in Northern Ireland.

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